Book now for the FLCGB Breed Appreciation Day!
Exciting news! The FLCGB invite you to join us and our Presenters – Christian Lauluten & Jeff Horswell for our Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) in accordance with the mandatory requirements of Judges Education Programme (JEP) & RKC Code of Best Practice. Book your place now!
Wednesday 9th October 2024
7PM – Online via Zoom
The BAD will give anyone who wishes to judge Finnish Lapphunds and progress through JEP levels an overview of the history and purpose of the breed alongside an explanation of the UK Breed Standard. This will be offered together with the integral multiple choice exam (MCE)
BAD & MCE at £15 per person.
BAD only at £10 per person.
To register, please complete and return the booking form to Sue Bird – Finnish Lapphund BEC – sue_bridus@btconnect.com. Please also make the required payment via BACCS to secure your place.
FLCGB – Breed Appreciation Day Booking Form – Doc