Annual Trophies
Fully paid up members are welcome to submit points accrued by their dogs at Open Shows throughout the preceding year to be in with the chance of winning a club trophy.
Points can be submitted by completing the claim form below. For guidance on point scoring please take a look at the point scoring information sheet below.
As Championship Show results are now all available on line, points accrued at Championship Shows and both the breed club shows will be logged by the Trophy Steward. Claim forms for these need not be submitted.
Claim forms should be returned to the Trophy Steward. Don’t forget that the deadline for receipt of trophy points claim forms by the Trophy Steward is 31st January.
Annual Trophy Documents
1. Individual Trophies will only be awarded to Finnish Lapphunds owned by members whose membership was fully paid up in the year the awards relate to, and, who are fully paid up members in the year the awards are presented i.e. by the 1st February each year (Club Rule 7). Where a dog is owned by more than one owner, all must be fully paid up members.
2. The qualifying period for annual trophy claims is 1st January – 31st December each year.
3. The deadline for receipt of trophy points claim forms by the Trophy Steward is 31st January, each year – without exception.
4. All claims to be official club forms only. E-mail claims only. No Postal claims will be accepted. Please clearly mark your email in the subject line, Annual Trophy claim – your surname.
5. All claim forms will be acknowledged, please provide a valid email address on your form. It is the claimant’s responsibility to follow up with the trophy steward if confirmation of receipt is not received by 1st February.
6. It is advisable for members to obtain proof of posting for their submissions.
7. Claim forms must be completed by the Member Only. Block claims via a third party will not be accepted.
8. Show wins in the UK only may be claimed for.
9. Each claim form must be signed by the club member/owner of the dog. By signing the form, you agree you had read and fully understand the rules.
10. All results of Annual Trophy Claims will be made available to the membership at the AGM and via the Yearbook.
11. All claim forms will be available for inspection at the AGM.
Breeders Trophy
12. All claims for the Breeders Trophy should be submitted by the Breeder/Affix Holder only.
13. Where an Affix is in Joint Names – both must be fully paid up members of the Club (as per rule 1 above).
14. A separate Breeders Claim Form must be submitted, clearly stating the full pedigree name of each dog the breeder wishes to be included in the claim.
15. Each dog included in the claim must be owned by a fully paid up member of the society (as per rule 1 above).
16. Each dog included in the claim must have a separate claim form, submitted by the owner, for one of the Individual Annual Trophy Awards.
17. Qualifying classes for the Breeders Trophy are Breed Classes Only (excl. AV/AVNSC/RARE/STAKES etc), and subsequent awards following Breed Classes.
18. Only show wins in the UK can be claimed for.
Annual Trophies Winners
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku ShCEx |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ch Limishka Kareitar JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Ansalfrose Weikko JW |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Ansalfrose Weikko JW |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW ShCEx |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Ch Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM ShCEx VW |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW ShCEx |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Pavoskas Galaksitti |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Pavoskas: S & P Critchlow & S Cooper |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW ShCEx |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Pavoskas Galaksitti |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Ch. Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ch. Pavoskas Disco JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Oberitz Pilvilinna |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Ch. Glenchess Gregory |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Arianrhod Hallatar |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Ch. Pavoskas Disco JW |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Ch. Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM ShCEx VW |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Pavoskas Forest JW |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Pavoskas: S & P Critchlow & S Cooper |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW & Pavoskas Forest JW |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Not awarded 2022 due to above draw |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Ch. Glenchess Gregory |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ch. Pavoskas Disco JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Oberitz Kaamoksen Ruhtinas |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Oberitz Kaamoksen Ruhtinas |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Elbereth Huurrehuntu JW |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Ch. Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM ShCEx |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Ch. Pavoskas Disco JW |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Oberitz Kaamoksen Ruhtinas |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Pavoskas: S & P Critchlow & S Cooper |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Oberitz Trollnisse at Lumenico |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Elbereth Huurrehuntu JW |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Ch. Marymead Muskateer ShCM |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ch. Morval Salainen Haave JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Kaijartuu Ihmissusi JW |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Ch. Lecibsin Ukas to Elbereth |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Pavoskas Disco JW |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Ch. Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Pavoskas Disco JW |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Elbereth |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Ch. Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW ShCM |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Elbereth Tuulenpoika JW |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ch. Elbereth Pelinainen JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Elbereth Tuulenpoika JW |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Ch. Glenchess Gregory |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Pavoskas Ceili JW |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Pavoskas Äly Arttu JW ShCM |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Vis et Gloria at Lintukoto |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | T. Jackson – Elbereth |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Bridus Ukkonen |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Morval Salainen Haave JW |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Multi Ch. Elbereth Matkamies ShCM |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Morval Salainen Haave JW |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Ch. Elbereth Pelinainen JW |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Glenchess Gregory |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Finnadian Cirius (IMP FIN) |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | T. Jackson – Elbereth |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Oberitz Upponalle |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Lapinlumon Pilvipouta for Infindigo |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ch Elbereth Pelinainen JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Glenchess Gregory |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Glenchess Gregory |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Ch Oberitz Silmanilo |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Pavoskas Aly Arttu ShCM |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Marymead Moulin Rouge fo Pavoskas JW ShCM |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | T. Jackson – Elbereth |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Tilkkurkin Hallantuoma to Elbereth JW ShCM |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Oberitz Upponalle |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Multi Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Tilkkurkin Hallantuoma to Elbereth JW |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Tilkkurkin Hallantuoma to Elbereth JW |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Tilkkurkin Hallantuoma to Elbereth JW |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Elbereth Pelinainen JW |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Marymead Moulin Rouge fo Pavoskas JW ShCM |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Pavoskas Aly Arttu |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | T. Jackson – Elbereth |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Bridus Ukkonen |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner | Points |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Elbereth Matkamies | 553 |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Elbereth Suvi Tuuli | 404 |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Elbereth Pelinainen | 216 |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Lecibsin Salo of Tabanyaruu | 450 |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Ch Glenchess Ilolas | 304 |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Infindigo Riemu Emmi | 367 |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Oberitz Rumpali | 108 |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Elbereth Pelinainen | 121 |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Elbereth | 2549 |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Bridus Ihana with Cathbri | 44 |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Elbereth Miskakarhu | 25 |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Ch/Lux Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Elbereth Suvi Tuuli |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Bridus Pikkumimmi |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Elbereth Miskakarhu |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | TabanyaRuu Sisko |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Glenchess Ilolas |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Infindigo Riemu Emmi |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Bridus Pikkumimmi |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Elbereth – T Jackson |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Bridus Ihana with Cathbri |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Elbereth Miskakarhu |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner | Points |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Elbereth Matkamies | 665 |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Millermead Quartz Crystal | 419 |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Millermead Quartz Crystal | 388 |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Pajeant Aubenedict | 540 |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Elbereth Kia Joins Bridus | 364 |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Millermead Quartz Crystal | 241 |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Elbereth Tarmo | 119 |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Millermead Quartz Crystal | 110 |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Elbereth | 2672 |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Tabanyaruu Sisko | 32 |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Elbereth Tulin Kaukka for Limishka | 27 |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner | Points |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Ch/Lux Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM | 807 |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Elbereth Ainokainen | 395 |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Glenchess Annika | 236 |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Elbereth Mikko | 705 |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Glenchess Annika | 236 |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Ch/Lux Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM | 99 |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Elbereth Ainokainen | 62 |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Oberitz Silmanilo | 34 |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Elbereth | 2219 |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Ch/Lux Ch Elbereth Matkamies ShCM | 221 |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Elbereth Ainokainen | 87 |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner | Points |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Pajeant Aubenedict | 634 |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Oberitz Onnetar | 200 |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Glenchess Ilolas | 236 |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Glenchess Vaeltaja | 202 |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | Glenchess Tuhlara & Elbereth Noki with Oberitz | 92 |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Telkoira Trace of Serenity | 99 |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Glenchess Iki-Ihana | 10 |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Telkoira Trace of Serenity | 36 |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Glenchess | 812 |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Telkoira Trace of Serenity | 13 |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | Glenchess Ilolas | 6 |
Trophy | Awarded For | Winner | Points |
The Curdeleon Trophy | Finnish Lapphund of the Year | Int. Fin. Ch. Glenchess Revontuli | 640 |
The Sulyka Trophy | Best Opposite Sex to the above | Ir. Ch. Millermead Nordic Breeze Sh Cm | 570 |
The Leemax Trophy | Pup of the Year | Millermead Dove Of Peace To Marymead | 250 |
The Blairswolf Trophy | Reserve to FL of the Year | Pajeant Aubenedict | 524 |
FLCGB Trophy | Reserve to BOS | TabanyaRuu Peppi | 174 |
Severnside Trophy | Open Show Breed Classes FL of the Year | Pajeant Aubenedict | 442 |
Millermead Trophy | Open Shows BOS to the above | Ir. Ch. Millermead Nordic Breeze Sh Cm | 131 |
Cheville Trophy | Open Shows Pup of the Year | Millermead Dove Of Peace To Marymead | 75 |
Elbereth Trophy | Breeder of the Year | Glenchess | 1200 |
Morval Trophy | AVNSC/AV FL of the Year | Pajeant Aubenedict | 22 |
Pajeant Trophy | AVNSC/AV BOS to the above | TabanyaRuu Sisko | 6 |